Sunday, September 06, 2009

Hello Again...

Have changed so much since 2005.

It is a nice Sunday afternoon, trapped in my living room, I start to think about my life but most importantly how should I live it from now on.
Out of the few things in my mind, I start to think about how plastic and material our daily lives have become, I am a slave of it myself.

We depend so much on our stupid "necessities" (cell phones, Ipods, Laptops, etc, etc)
Estamos tan ciegos y tan atrapados en el capitalismo que nos volvemos locos con tanto disparate a nuestro alrededor y no es nuestra culpa... Nacimos con este estilo de vida ya implantado sobre nosotros y con la religion que nuestros padres escogieron todo esto antes de poder pensar por nosotros mismos... Un anuncio del nuevo iphone nos vuelve locos y preparamos nuestro poco capital para obtener este aparatito y compararnos con los demas, O esa ropa Gap y Banana republic ensamblada por niƱos pobres de latinoamerica.

Son tantas cosas, tantas injusticias revestidas en caramelo que veo a diaro en las noticias. Como este pais donde vivo(US)opresiona a nuestros paises de habla hispana y explota todos nuestros bienes ecologicos para mantener nuestro "way of life" aqui en US...

Yo soy el primero en levantar la mano que sin darme cuenta he apoyado esto por tanto tiempo...

...Pero no me quedare cayado.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

THE TRUTH: is Pandemic another word for Panic?

Cause of Death Annual Death Toll 2005
*Prescription Drugs 32,000*

There were *32,000* deaths in the United States due to prescription drugs in 2005. There are currently an estimated *106,000 *to *126,000* deaths per year due to prescription drug use. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University

Suicide 30,622
Car Accidents 26,347
Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behavior 20,000
HIV/AIDS 17,011
Illegal Drugs 17,000
Anti-Inflammatory 7,600
Terrorism 310

*Swine Flu at 100 ± is definitely getting over-exposure at the hands of the FEAR Machine